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  • Writer's pictureAadhithyan KA

Students Visit to IGDC

Now in its 14th year, IGDC is the biggest and the most significant developer conference in not only India but South Asia. The conference plays a key role in developing the Indian Gaming ecosystem; from helping developers gain valuable insight and pick up new skills to helping developers connect with publishers and investors whom they otherwise may not have had access. IGDC has acted as a conduit to the gaming ecosystem by getting industry leaders to meet, interact and share their knowledge with upcoming studios, developers, and others in the Indian Gaming ecosystem. The conference is organized by industry volunteers with support from corporates. The Telangana government supports the conference as the host state of the event.

1. Date and Venue / Duration: 03/11/2022 – 05/11/2022, HICC, Hyderabad.

2. Audience /Student /faculty Details: Third and fifth-semester game design students and faculties were the target audience for the visit. Getting experience with the industry and getting to know investors, publishers, game designers, and developers are the session's main objectives. The game design department faculty members planned and took the students on the visit.

Day 1:

Students and faculties visited IGDC Expo, played many indie titles, and got to know many new developers who showcased their works at the expo. Students also attended panel discussions and talks on some interesting topics

Day 2:

Students had many interactions with game developers and publishers to get publishing deals and investments for their games.

Day 3:

Students and faculties attended seminars and also participated in workshops at the event

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